You were not able to attend the online Brewers Forum 2021 or watch the replays? Don’t worry, it still available. You just have to connect to BrewUp, register (it’s for free) and watch them all at your own pace!
You can get access to expert presentations on lager brewing, barrel-ageing, the production of barrel-ageing beers and hard seltzers, marketing and business advice and listen to our panelists on the future of the beer industry, including Asahi Global CEO Atsushi Katsuki and Heineken CEO Dolf van den Brink.
This book will exhaustively complement your brewing education (whether you went to a brewing school or learnt by doing) and make you and your colleagues (from all across the process chain) better brewers. It will help you to fully master the brewing process and make incremental progresses on those details that matter. It will help you to maximise the quality of your process and thus, of your beer to brew with consistency and quality.
Get it at for 49.99€ or 44.99€ (10% discount) if you’re a member of an association of The Brewers of Europe.
The Brewers Forum brings together brewers of all sizes, ingredients suppliers, equipment providers and the entire beer value chain, to discuss the latest and upcoming developments. Held on a yearly basis, it addresses via plenaries, breakout seminars and practical workshops the hot topics in the beer world, from brewing technologies, brewing skills, marketing, sustainability, consumers’ expectations, trade, trends etc.
The EBC Congress is one of the most important brewing technical events in Europe as well as across the globe. It appeals to researchers, technologists, scientists and other professionals involved in the fields of brewing, malting, beverage engineering and fermentation. During the EBC Congress, attendees can follow more than 50 scientific presentations and read more than 100 technical posters and discuss with their authors. The last day is reserved for technical tours to breweries, maltings, supplier / brewing engineering companies.